
Welcome to connect the online portal to AIPLA's committee sites.

AIPLA's 60+ Committees are the heartbeat of our organization and provide members with opportunities to get involved, access additional resources, and work with like-minded professionals to make a difference in the IP community.  Each Committee has its own microsite that it uses to communicate with their members.

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If you are a member, be sure to log-in to see more results! 

Stay connected with your committees through our mobile app!
Download the app (Apple App store | Google Play storeor search for Connected Community by Higher Logic in your mobile app store. When it prompts you for the Domain, please enter: Community.aipla.org and then log in with your AIPLA credentials. If you have questions, please contact Randy Sagara at rsagara@aipla.org or visit the following link for additional information

If you belong to a committee and do not receive emails from them, check to make sure "mail@connectedcommunity.org" is not blocked/blacklisted. In some cases, you may need to contact your IT department for assistance. If you have any further issues, please contact AIPLA at rsagara@aipla.org or aipla@aipla.org. For more information on this, please visit the vendor's support site: https://support.higherlogic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043375232-Higher-Logic-Community-Allowlist-Instructions.

To manage your committee selections, Click Here (login required).

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