
Welcome to connect the online portal to AIPLA's committee sites.

AIPLA's 60+ Committees are the heartbeat of our organization and provide members with opportunities to get involved, access additional resources, and work with like-minded professionals to make a difference in the IP community.  Each Committee has its own microsite that it uses to communicate with their members.

View Committee Sites
If you are a member, be sure to log-in to see more results! 

Stay connected with your committees through our mobile app!
Download the app (Apple App store | Google Play storeor search for Connected Community by Higher Logic in your mobile app store. When it prompts you for the Domain, please enter: Community.aipla.org and then log in with your AIPLA credentials. If you have questions, please contact Randy Sagara at rsagara@aipla.org or visit the following link for additional information

If you belong to a committee and do not receive emails from them, check to make sure "mail@connectedcommunity.org" is not blocked/blacklisted. In some cases, you may need to contact your IT department for assistance. If you have any further issues, please contact AIPLA at rsagara@aipla.org or aipla@aipla.org. For more information on this, please visit the vendor's support site: https://support.higherlogic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043375232-Higher-Logic-Community-Allowlist-Instructions.

To manage your committee selections, Click Here (login required).

Latest Discussions

Upcoming Events


  • USPTO to END After-Final-Pilot in December

  • September monthly meeting

    Our Monthly Meeting will take place on Wednedsay, September 25th at noon central time.   We will be discussing the recent decision in Pennsylvania State University v. Vintage Brand, LLC, 2024 WL 456139 (M.D. Pa. April 2, 2024).  I look forward ... More
  • Professional Programs Committee: Conference Coordinator

    The Professional Programs Committee (PPC) would like to welcome you to get involved! PPC plans the main educational tracks of the Annual and Spring AIPLA Meetings. Each Meeting includes educational content that establishes AIPLA as the leading educational ... More
  • Call for Comments

    Dear All, As indicated in our previous emails, our Committee is considering submitting an Amicus Curiae brief in conjunction with the subject referral (claim interpretation at the EPO). The key issue of the perspective decision the Enlarged Board of Appeal ... More