Using the Committee Site

Committee Pages - "How To"

  1. Post a Discussion - When you post a discussion, the system sends an email containing the information to all committee members.
  2. Post an Event  - When you post an event, the system sends an invite to all committee members.
  3. Post a Document - You can upload a document to the committee page (PDF, DOC, Slides, Spreadsheet, etc.).  Posting a document will add the item to the committee's document library.  Posting a Document will not automatically notify committee members.   You can post a discussion and attach a document and it will get posted to your library.
  4. Post an Announcement - When you post an announcement, the system does not email your members. You will need to send a link of the announcement via the 2 ways above.
  5. To view or edit your email frequency settings for this committee, click on the grey "settings" button and select your preference.

Committee Chairs have access to additional features.  Committee Chairs should visit the Committee Leadership Resources pages for more info.

If you have questions, please contact Randy Sagara at or if you would like to set up a 15-30 minute meeting, please use the following link: