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  • Registration for the 2023 Istanbul AIPPI Congress is now open!

    Exciting news from AIPPI US: Registration is now open for the 2023 AIPPI Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey Oct. 22-25.   Attending the Congress is an exciting and adventurous way to meet and learn from IP practitioners from over 30 countries, attend panels, work on harmonization efforts and explore Istanbul.  If you are at all interested, we urge you to take advantage of the Super Early Bird Discount, which offers a substantial savings.

    For those of you attending the AIPLA Spring Meeting in Seattle right now, please join us at the AIPPI US committee meeting and reception tomorrow, May 11th, from 4-6 pm in Cascade 1.  Drinks and refreshments will be served. 

    For any questions about AIPPI US or the Congress, feel free to contact me at

    Dale Nelson,
    Chair, AIPPI US

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